THE POWER OF TESTIMONY – Apostle Joshua Talena

(Revelation 12:11) And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the words of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to death

In the Old Testament, the word testimony comes from a word meaning “do again”. Hence, testimonies reveal what we can expect God to do again. Sharing our testimony encourages and imparts faith to others, and releases God’s power to perform similar acts or exploits.

Testimony is a form of evidence that is obtained from a witness who makes a solemn statement or declaration of fact. Testimonies are more than mere words. They are weapons. God may have delivered you from the cold hands of death or from the torture of poverty, yet the kingdom of God still awaits your testimony to displace the enemy. Testimony is a powerful force that pulls the devil up and trashes him into a deserted location. Our testimonies displace the enemy from our territory. It moves the devil and his followers out of your life.

When we displace the enemy through testimonies, our deliverance, healing and breakthrough are permanent. Giving testimonies make Heaven and Earth to keep a sealed record of your deliverance, healing and breakthrough because it was an agreement between Heaven and Earth that made your deliverance possible (Matthew 18:18). Our testimony does a lot more than just displacing the devil:

It ridicules and confuses the devil. This is because your deliverance, healing and breakthrough came as a shock to him (John 9:1-41).
It guarantees permanent healing, deliverance and breakthrough. (Luke 17:11-19).
It wins souls to kingdom of God (John 4:29-30)

Stop withholding your testimonies. Our deliverance, healing and breakthrough takes a lasting effect, when we testify.

Meditation: Our deliverance, healing and breakthrough takes a lasting effect, when we testify. Stop withholding your testimonies.

RM: The Eleventh Hour Miracle

Prayer: Oh Lord, My God, Forgive me for my ignorance. Help me to be right before you and maintain a permanent deliverance, healing and breakthrough in Jesus’ name, Amen

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